Bubble Girl merupakan brand baju anak karya desainer Sebastian Gunawan. Berdiri pada tahun 2004, Bubble Girl sudah terhitung cukup sukses dan eksis untuk brand pakaian anak.
Siapa bilang anak-anak tidak dapat bergaya stylish dan trendy, karena itulah alasan Sebastian Gunawan mendirikan dan merancang Bubble Girl..
Pada Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2010/2011, Bubble Girl mengadakan show ke ketiga nya. Show tersebut dilaksanakan di area Fashion Tent hari kedua JFW '10/11 yaitu pada hari Minggu, 7 November 2010.
Bubble Girl is a brand child clothes from designer Sebastian Gunawan. Established in 2004, Bubble Girl has counted quite successful and exist for children's clothing brand.
Who says kids can not stylish and look trendy, because that was the reason Sebastian Gunawan founded and designed the Bubble Girl ..
In Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2010/2011, Bubble Girl held their a third show. Show was held in the second day of JFW '10 / 11 on Sunday, November 7, 2010 at Fashion Tent
Lebih dari 50 koleksi busana dipertunjukkan pada show kali ini dan tentu saja diperagakan oleh model-model cilik yang lucu-lucu dan menggemaskan. Aksi mereka berlenggak lenggok di atas catwalk benar-benar sungguh menggemaskan, ada yang malu-malu, centil, lincah dan berbagai gaya lainnya khas anak-anak.
More than 50 fashion collections showcased at the show and of course exhibited by little cute & adorable kids as a models. They action on the catwalk really adorable, they are look so shy, sassy, energetic such as the nature of children in general
Sebastian Gunawan dan Christina Panarese istri nya menampilkan koleksi-koleksi Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year & Holiday Season.
Sebastian Gunawan and his wife Christina Panarese displaying collections of Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year & Holiday Season.
Motif Floral serta warna-warna lembut mendominasi koleksi Holiday Season, sementara untuk koleksi Chinese New Year lebih banyak bermain di warna merah. Model Chiong Sam dan bergaya Tionghoa dapat terlihat jelas pada koleksi Chinese New Year tersebut.
Floral motifs and soft colors dominate the collection of Holiday Season, and for the Chinese New Year collection more play in the red. We can see Chiong Sam and Tionghoa style in the Chinese New Year collection.
Untuk koleksi terakhir yaitu koleksi Christmas & New Year, warna-warna seperti putih, hitam, sedikit warna merah serta ungu muda sangat mendominasi koleksi tersebut dan tidak luput diberi sedikit aplikasi-aplikasi seperti bunga dan renda menambah keceriaan pada desain -desain pakaian nya
For the last collection is a collection of Christmas & New Year, the colors like white, black, red and soft purple dominate the collection and do not miss a few applications such as flowers and lace, add look more cheerful for his collection.
Siapa bilang anak-anak tidak dapat bergaya stylish dan trendy, karena itulah alasan Sebastian Gunawan mendirikan dan merancang Bubble Girl..
Pada Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2010/2011, Bubble Girl mengadakan show ke ketiga nya. Show tersebut dilaksanakan di area Fashion Tent hari kedua JFW '10/11 yaitu pada hari Minggu, 7 November 2010.
Bubble Girl is a brand child clothes from designer Sebastian Gunawan. Established in 2004, Bubble Girl has counted quite successful and exist for children's clothing brand.
Who says kids can not stylish and look trendy, because that was the reason Sebastian Gunawan founded and designed the Bubble Girl ..
In Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2010/2011, Bubble Girl held their a third show. Show was held in the second day of JFW '10 / 11 on Sunday, November 7, 2010 at Fashion Tent
Lebih dari 50 koleksi busana dipertunjukkan pada show kali ini dan tentu saja diperagakan oleh model-model cilik yang lucu-lucu dan menggemaskan. Aksi mereka berlenggak lenggok di atas catwalk benar-benar sungguh menggemaskan, ada yang malu-malu, centil, lincah dan berbagai gaya lainnya khas anak-anak.
More than 50 fashion collections showcased at the show and of course exhibited by little cute & adorable kids as a models. They action on the catwalk really adorable, they are look so shy, sassy, energetic such as the nature of children in general
Sebastian Gunawan dan Christina Panarese istri nya menampilkan koleksi-koleksi Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year & Holiday Season.
Sebastian Gunawan and his wife Christina Panarese displaying collections of Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year & Holiday Season.
Motif Floral serta warna-warna lembut mendominasi koleksi Holiday Season, sementara untuk koleksi Chinese New Year lebih banyak bermain di warna merah. Model Chiong Sam dan bergaya Tionghoa dapat terlihat jelas pada koleksi Chinese New Year tersebut.
Floral motifs and soft colors dominate the collection of Holiday Season, and for the Chinese New Year collection more play in the red. We can see Chiong Sam and Tionghoa style in the Chinese New Year collection.
Untuk koleksi terakhir yaitu koleksi Christmas & New Year, warna-warna seperti putih, hitam, sedikit warna merah serta ungu muda sangat mendominasi koleksi tersebut dan tidak luput diberi sedikit aplikasi-aplikasi seperti bunga dan renda menambah keceriaan pada desain -desain pakaian nya
For the last collection is a collection of Christmas & New Year, the colors like white, black, red and soft purple dominate the collection and do not miss a few applications such as flowers and lace, add look more cheerful for his collection.

Kalau mau informasi detail tentang Bubble Girl bisa klik ke website Bubble Girl disini: www.mybubblegirl.com
Iif you want detailed information about Bubble Girl, you can click to their website here: www.mybubblegirl.com
Iif you want detailed information about Bubble Girl, you can click to their website here: www.mybubblegirl.com

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